It's all about the Great Office Re-organization Project of '07 right now. It's really hard to think about doing much else when things are as they are in here.
I'm happy to report--it's coming along.
The main structural needs were: shelving, lots o shelving; new desktop work area; filing system.
Before shelving could go in, the walls needed to be painted. Needed.
Yesterday I went to IKEA for a marathon day. If you've never been, IKEA is the organization SuperStore. But so many choices, my head was totally swimming. Luckily they have a cafe inside the store, so you can periodically take breaks, sit down, re-group. I was inside of there for HOURS. Because it's a ways away, I felt like I had to choose SOMETHING and come home with it, so I could start to put some of this back together. Then they were out of the brackets which were central to my system. And after I came home and talked my way through the catalog with Tony-- I changed my mind.
So I'll be going back next week. I had gotten a very utilitarian system because you could attach a table top right into it, but I'm going to go with the nicer looking one after all. The way it looks like it'll go-- the current huge desk will be my craft/art work surface-- the new station will be where the computer goes.
Have I lost you yet? And we're thinking about removing the huge mirrored closet doors, replacing with curtains, and making that space-- which has shelves and drawers and stuff inside-- easier to access.
Oh yeah, we've got ideas!
Today, it's been about purging. Really getting rid of stuff. Trying to be ruthless. Great volumes of clothes and books are piling up (to remove), and tons of recycling has gone out. Even some furniture.