Hallberg Butterfly Garden: Open Garden Day
Sorry for the super late notice: today's the day. It's the annual Open House event up at our little town's own treasure:
Hallberg Butterfly Gardens.
It's gonna be a bit of a hot one-- 93 degrees, same as yesterday, so I fear that may keep some people away... but I'll be volunteering in the plant sales area from 1-4pm regardless.
I hope to get my hands on a Dutchman's Pipe this year-- the host plant for the Pipevine Swallowtail, and the butterfly preserve's claim to fame...Some history is here.
The Pipevine Swallowtail is a dramatic black & blue; these are (top) a Tiger Swallowtail enjoying a buddleia (the aptly named 'butterfly bush') & an Anise Swallowtail on a verbena bonariensis in our yard...

And here's a picture of a Pipevine via the Hallberg site.