Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ah, August

an August morning...
an August afternoon

one of the new-this-year planting areas, featuring rudbeckia, and buddleias (volunteers moved from elsewhere in the garden).

I read this in a SF Chron article about Fall planting...
"...the wild landscape already has its September exhausted look: pale, parched and dusty. You have to love California already to love it in late summer and fall - just like that crusty-eyed, tousled person you've been waking up next to for 30-odd years."
So, yes I guess it must be love. And, I know it seems early to say so-- the days have been so mild & lovely-- Fall IS in the air. (of course, we can have great 80 degree days well into October here)
In August, even in the home garden, things start to look a little crispy, a bit fatiqued. I have this theory that many people have a big burst of planting enthusiam in the spring (or is that just me?) and tend to plant what's in bloom then. It takes more long term planning to give the late summer bloomers a good enough start to really flourish at this point in the season. I feel like I can't really plant much past April-- and expect a plant to thrive (or even survive!)
But a mild summer, along with drip irrigation installed in most of the back, have kept things looking--- not too bad (if not excessively colorful) !
Now, my neighbor China (see below) has mastered late summer color...


At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a beautiful garden you have (from what I've been seeing) and you are so right, autumn is not so far, though we still have August now. But already now the light is different, a lot of summer blooms have faded...this garden year was a very special one.
Greetings from Switzerland, Barbara

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Nice post! I am always looking for plants that will bloom in late summer, when everything else is languishing!


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