Tuesday, April 17, 2007

roses arriving

You may recall, as I left for a week away, i feared all the roses would bloom in my absence. It was a cool week, though, and most of them waited for me. They're covered with buds, and here are some of the early arrivals:

1) Honey Perfume: new last year. Love the color and fragrance, I hope it'll bloom more this year!

2 & 3) Sombreuil-- a highly regarded climber-- mine is in a space that doesn't do it justice. Also, I thought it would be more fragrant, but this one really isn't.

4) Golden Celebration!

5) a 'mistake' rose-- ie: not what it said it would be, yet I've come to love it just the same. Not a color I would have ever chosen intentionally. Red on the inside, white on the outside...probably Snowfire, or Fire 'n' Ice.

6) one of Joseph's Coat many buds. A very happy rose.


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